Alone again... naturally
Tribe, Dan Tribe. You might remember me from a handful of conventions in New South Wales, Australia that I have attended, and then instantly confused me for my brother - or the other way around. We do have similar voices. But seriously, I think I am way cooler than him.
So the next question you may ask is, "Hey, weren't you and your brother publishing stuff under Bolt Comics for, like the last decade?"
Well, yes.
Of all the artists I have collaborated with, he has been the easiset to work with by far. We see written scripts almost identically in our minds eye. It comes from years of poring over the same comics as kids, for literally years on end.
I'm not joking. In the middle of a conversation, I could pipe up and say "Just. Like. Becky." and BOOM! he knows exactly what I'm talking about. There are about a thousand of these shared comic book moments either of us could reference and the other know about instantly. So yeah, we vibe.

So why push on, and dare I say it, AWAY from Bolt Comics and the brand equity we have strived so hard to build for, lo these many years?
Long story short. I guess I am a control freak.
The were lots of unstated expectations and I really wanted to do things my way. This always resulted in a drawn out circular conversation of whys and wherefores, ending in my frustration.
So at least now if I muff it, I've got no one else to blame.
Plus, I love businessy sounding terms like 'flat management structures'. Can't get any flatter than this.
So now I don't need to seek permission for doing any old thing I want. Even if that turns out ot be a dud move.
I don't need to ensure the G rated branding will be tarnished if I choose to tell a different kind of story, and trust me I got some WEIRD stuff coming down the pipeline.
So that's why I'm going it alone in the big old scary world of self publishing.
Join me for the ride, then you can decide for yourself if I made the right call.
P.S. I'm pretty sure that you can still catch up on things I have made at the Bolt Comics website. Maybe. Think it's progress might have been bogged down in a more complex management structure...
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